Connector – January 12

In the event of inclement weather, we will alert you to any service delays or cancellations through email, text message, our website, and Facebook.

To sign up for text message alerts, text UPDATES to (859) 251-3944 or click here.

New in Adult Education

Connecting with Tech

January 19, one day only

Taught by Kelly Moynahan

This class will provide those in attendance confidence in their ability to connect to God/FAC Groups using Church Center, and resources found in the You Version Bible apps.

Discussions will center around the benefits of using the Church Center app to connect to groups at FAC as well as the Connector and the website. We also will be discussing the benefits of the You Version Bible app to connect to many Bible translations, devotions, reading plans, and other people using the app.

World-Changing Revivals and Worldviews

Taught by Doug Matthews and guests

This class will now start on Sunday, January 26.

Can we learn from the past concerning the nature and fruit of authentic, sustainable, life-changing, community transforming, and globally influential revivals and worldviews, and how authentic revivals and biblical worldviews must go hand in hand?

Learn and discuss how Spirit-led, creative, biblically and Christian worldview grounded revivals changed individuals, families, the church, and the world. They even contributed to the explosion of compassionate care of the needy, education, social reform, the Great Century of Missions (Phillip Schaff), and even the abolition of slavery.

The Women’s Start Here Class has been postponed to a later quarter.

Baptism Sunday – February 9

If you have been thinking about getting baptized or are ready to take the next step in following Jesus, let us know by Sunday, February 2.

This Sunday

Ever-Fresh Wineskins for Ever-Fresh Wine

Our Lead Pastor Paul Smith will bring a message from Luke 5:33-39 as a part of our series When We Pray.


Open Word

Family Life Center Room 203-204

This long-standing class is centered around an in-depth study of a book of the Bible and taught by a team of teachers. We alternate between Old and New Testament and spend the summer months in Psalms. Learn more.

Young Marrieds and Growing Families

Dining Room

This class is aimed at helping those in this season of their lives with biblical teaching and community. Learn more.


Deeper Walk

Dining Room

Pursue spiritual maturity and claim the spiritual freedom afforded you in your relationship with Christ. Learn more.

Upcoming Events

This Week

24 Hour Prayer

Monday and Tuesday

Sign up for one or more 30-minute time slots from 12:00pm on Monday, January 13 to 12:00pm on Tuesday, January 14 as we join with other churches in Central Kentucky to pray for our city. Pray individually, as a family, or with a small group either here at the church or from home. A prayer guide and journal will be available.

As a church, we value and champion expectant prayer. Join us in this important work!


Monday at 6:45pm

This powerful gathering happens every week! Meet us in the Sanctuary for a time of corporate prayer as we intercede for our church, community, and world. Learn more.


Tuesday at 6:45pm

You are welcome at the Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group which meets in the Prayer Room to pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.


Thursday at 6:30pm

GriefShare is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Over 13 weeks ending April 3, you’ll find relief and comfort as you learn what to expect in the days ahead and how to navigate your personal grief process. Please contact Jessica Freeburne if you have any questions.

Men’s Mid(ish) Week

Thursday at 6:30am

Our Men’s Ministry meets weekly to enjoy a delicious breakfast, share about our lives, and study the Scriptures as we grow together in community as followers of Jesus Christ.

Young Professionals

Thursday at 7:00pm

The Young Professionals group meets weekly on Thursdays in homegroups throughout the area to share a meal and dive deeper into what it looks like to follow Jesus. Sign up now.

This Month

Men’s Ministry Service Breakfast

Saturday, January 18 at 9:00am

Dining Room

Enjoy a great breakfast with the men of FAC, along with a time of discussion, sharing, and prayer. If you’re able, stay after for some indoor work projects.

Boomers & Beyond Gathering

Sunday, January 26 at 6:00pm

Lower Auditorium/Chapel

We’ll “gather” as is our habit in the Lower Auditorium. Bring your favorite snacks and desserts to share. Drinks are provided. This month’s guest speakers are Tyrone and Cecily Vinegar, who will be speaking on “Brave Questions and Kingdom Conversations for a Multi-Cultural Faith Community.”

Men’s Conference

Saturday, February 1, 8:00am to 3:00pm

FAC is a host site for the national “No Regrets” Conference. We will have live worship and breakout sessions in conjunction with livestreamed speakers. $18 registration includes breakfast and lunch. Contact Nathan Boyd with any questions.

This Quarter

Winter Quarter Sign-Ups

Adult Education: We have several new options this quarter! Check out World-Changing Revivals and Worldviews or Connecting with Tech. Learn more.

Women’s Ministry: Join the women of FAC for their seasonal Bible study, One Year Bible groups, and more. Learn more..

Men’s Ministry: Connect with the men of FAC on Thursday mornings, at their monthly service breakfast, or as part of their One Year Bible online group. Learn more.

Acts 1:8 Teams: Help us respond more efficiently and effectively as we serve our local and cross-cultural partners. Learn more.

Life Groups: Groups meet in homes all throughout the week all over the Lexington area. Sign up now.

For more, check out the latest issue of Engage Magazine!

Read the Bible in a Year

One of our FAC Core Values is being Biblically Grounded, so we are offering resources and groups to read the Bible in a year in 2025! We have designed our very own Bible in a Year journal and have some additional video, audio, and print resource suggestions to help you along the way.

Our FAC Bible in a Year journals are free and will be available in the Atrium each Sunday through January 12. You can also download a sample that contains the first 15 days. Read on your own or join the Men’s or Women’s Ministry small groups beginning mid-January.

Read the Bible in a Year – Women’s Groups

Various days and times

Together as a church community we are encouraging each other to deepen our relationship with the Lord by being in the Word daily. You will start the reading plan January 1, but groups will start the week of January 12 with weekly discussion questions around that week’s reading plan. Groups will meet for the quarter so you start strong in this endeavor! Groups will meet in person on varying days and times.

Read the Bible in a Year – Men’s Online Group

January 12 – April 3

Taught by Nathan Boyd, Doug Matthews, and John Doss

For this pilot program, FAC is marrying Adult Education and Men’s Ministry by offering an online group to help men read and understand the Bible during winter quarter. We will read the Bible together, encourage one another, and ask questions or make comments online. Nathan Boyd (men’s leader), Doug Matthews (theology professor), and John Doss (biblical studies professor) will periodically monitor and engage with the interactions.

Next Gen Ministries

Hiring Paid Childcare Workers

We are currently hiring childcare workers for 9:00am to 11:45am on Thursday Mornings (January 16 to April 10). Pay is $15 an hour for adults and $13 an hour for high school students. Contact Hannah Meredith with any questions.

FAC Kids Needs You!

Our Toddler Room is growing quickly, and we need to open a second class during the 9:30am service to accommodate all these awesome kiddos. We need 15 additional once a month volunteers to help meet this need. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, reach out to Hannah Meredith for more details.

Want to serve with kids, but toddlers aren’t your speed? We have serving opportunities in our Infant, Preschool, and Kindergarten classes as well!

FAC Kids — Birth through 4th Grade
Instagram | Facebook

Sundays at 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am

Middle School — 5th through 8th Grade
Instagram | Spotify | Text @midupdate to 81010

Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00am
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm

High School — 9th through 12th Grade
Newsletter | Instagram | Text @facparents to 81010

Sundays at 9:30am
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm


YoungLives Donations

FAC’s local partner YoungLives thanks you for your generous donations! Here is a list of items that we are currently accepting.

  • Baby wipes
  • Formula
  • Clothes (sizes newborn to 24 months)

Helpful Links

Main Services
8:15, 9:30, 11:00, and 12:30 — In-person and online

Next Gen Services
8:15am — Birth through 4th grade
9:30am — All ages
11:00am — Birth through 8th grade
12:30pm — No Next Gen services

If you are traveling or feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for easy access to videos of our services.