Next Gen

Opportunities for ages 0-18

Birth through 4th grade children can be checked in under the blue canopy in the Atrium.

Birth Through Kindergarten

The youngest members of our congregation meet during the 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am services and spend their Sunday mornings discovering the world God created through Bible stories, songs, and themed activities. 

Elementary (Grades 1-4)

Each week our 1st-4th graders get to experience the characters, places, and events of the Bible and our great God in a fun, energetic, and engaging environment. 

  • Our 8:15 and 11:00am services have the same lesson and feature a large group time. 
  • Our 9:30am service has a different lesson and uses a format of grade based small groups in addition to some large group teaching. 

Kids are welcome to stay for more than one service, as they will experience different material in back to back services. 

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Sunday Mornings

Room 217

We offer two different options on Sunday mornings for middle school students:

  • Our 9:30am class begins with a large group lesson before breaking up into small groups. This is our primary middle school class on Sunday mornings.
  • Our 11:00am class is designed to be smaller. We cover the same material as the 9:30am service and no small group time.

Fall Curriculum

  • August: Joseph
  • September: Law
  • October: Psalms
  • November: King of Kings
  • December: Advent



Wednesday night is our chance to go deeper and learn more about God, the Bible, and God’s will for our lives. We meet from 6:30-8:00pm in the Lower Auditorium before breaking up into small groups. The extra time allows us to ask more questions and search for bigger answers. Wednesday night programming begins Wednesday, September 4. Students will enter through the front door and make their way to the Lower Auditorium.

Fall Curriculum

  • September: Redemption
  • October: Battle of the Heart
  • November: Esther
  • December: Christmas Special


We are always looking for incredible people to help lead our middle school students.  If you are interested in helping or just have questions, please reach out!

FAC Youth
High School

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FAC Youth is the high school ministry at First Alliance, where we desire students to bring glory to God, grow in their knowledge and application of God’s Word, serve lovingly, and proclaim the Gospel.

Sunday Mornings

High School Youth Room

Worship, teaching, and community.

Wednesdays Nights

High School Youth Room

Enjoy dinner together and break into grade-based Life Groups. Begins September 4.