The Bible in a Year
Reading Plan
One of our FAC Core Values is being Biblically Grounded, so we are offering resources and groups to read the Bible in a year in 2025! We have designed our very own Bible in a Year journal and have some additional video, audio, and print resource suggestions to help you along the way.
Our FAC Bible in a Year journals are free and will be available in the Atrium each Sunday. Read on your own, or join the Men’s or Women’s Ministry Read the Bible in a Year small groups beginning mid-January.

Women’s Groups
Various days and times
Together as a church community we are encouraging each other to deepen our relationship with the Lord by being in the Word daily. You will start the reading plan January 1, but groups will start the week of January 12 with weekly discussion questions around that week’s reading plan. Groups will meet for the quarter so you start strong in this endeavor! Groups will meet in person on varying days and times.
Men’s Online Group
January 12 – April 3
Taught by Nathan Boyd, Doug Matthews, and John Doss
For this pilot program, FAC is marrying Adult Education and Men’s Ministry by offering an online group to help men read and understand the Bible during winter quarter. We will read the Bible together, encourage one another, and ask questions or make comments online. Nathan Boyd (men’s leader), Doug Matthews (theology professor), and John Doss (biblical studies professor) will periodically monitor and engage with the interactions.