Don’t Miss It!

Christmas at First Alliance
Check out all the info about our Christmas services, ministry events, service opportunities, and daily readings available this holiday season!
In the event of inclement weather, we will post any service delays or cancellations on our website, our Facebook page, and TV channels 18, 27, and 36.
You can also sign up to receive these updates via text!
Text UPDATES to (859) 251-3944
or click here to sign up
This Sunday

This Sunday’s Sermon:
A Christmas Letter from the Prophet Isaiah
Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from Isaiah 9:6 as we continue our Advent sermon series A Christmas Letter From…

Open Word
Family Life Center Room 203-204
This long-standing class is centered around an in-depth study of a book of the Bible and taught by a team of teachers. We alternate between Old and New Testament and spend the summer months in Psalms. Learn more.
Young Marrieds and Growing Families
Dining Room
This class is aimed at helping those in this season of their lives with biblical teaching and community. Learn more.
Deeper Walk
Dining Room
Pursue spiritual maturity and claim the spiritual freedom afforded you in your relationship with Christ. Learn more.
Membership Class
Conference Room
If you are interested in exploring membership at First Alliance Church, please join us! We will discuss what it means to be a member, how to become a member, and provide background about The Alliance and FAC. Please note that attendance at both sessions (December 8 and 15) is required.
OUT Opportunity

Christmas Service Opportunities
Thank you so much for your enthusiastic response to providing meals and gifts for our local partners! All of the gifts and meals are accounted for. Thank you for living out our value of being a resource-generous church.
Drop-off Options
Drop-offs begin Sunday, December 8. We will be collecting items at the Gym/Dining Room entrance at the times listed below. Ring the doorbell and a volunteer will help you unload.
- After services on December 8 and 15
- Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00am to 4:00pm (through December 12)
The deadline to receive all items is Sunday, December 15. If you have any questions, please contact Tyrone Vinegar.
Upcoming Events
This Week

24 Hour Prayer
Monday and Tuesday
Sign up for one or more 30-minute time slots from 12:00pm on Monday, December 9 to 12:00pm on Tuesday, December 10 as we join with other churches in Central Kentucky to pray for our city. Pray individually, as a family, or with a small group either here at the church or from home. A prayer guide and journal will be available.
As a church, we value and champion expectant prayer. Join us in this important work!

Monday at 6:45pm
This powerful gathering happens every week! Meet us in the Sanctuary for a time of corporate prayer as we intercede for our church, community, and world. Learn more.
Boomers & Beyond Lunch Bunch
Tuesday at 11:30am
Join us for our monthly lunch event at Sedona Taphouse in Palomar Center. RSVP to Sharon Winkle.
Tuesday at 6:45pm
You are welcome at the Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group which meets in the Prayer Room to pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus. This month our prayer focus will be Proverbs 14:26. There will be no GPOPs on Tuesday, December 24.
Men’s Mid(ish) Week
Thursday at 6:30am
Our Men’s Ministry meets weekly to enjoy a delicious breakfast, share about our lives, and study the Scriptures as we grow together in community as followers of Jesus Christ.

Young Professionals
Thursday at 7:00pm
The Young Professionals group meets weekly on Thursdays in homegroups throughout the area to share a meal and dive deeper into what it looks like to follow Jesus. Sign up now.
Men’s Ministry Breakfast
Saturday, December 14 at 9:00am
Enjoy a great breakfast with the men of FAC, along with a time of discussion, sharing, and prayer. If you’re able, stay after for some indoor work projects.

Classic Christmas Celebration
Sunday, December 15 at 5:45pm
FAC Kids & FAC’s Intergenerational Team invite you to a Classic Christmas Celebration. We’ll spend time caroling, hearing the Christmas story, and remembering together the great gift of Jesus’ birth before asking ourselves what we can give Him in return. It will be an informal, family-focused, joy-filled night; everyone, young and old and those somewhere in between, will find themselves joining in with the Christmas cheer!
The Nursery will be open for birth through 2 years. Refreshments and fellowship will follow in the Atrium.
Please note that there will be no Boomers & Beyond monthly gathering in December.
Read the Bible in a Year
One of our FAC Core Values is being Biblically Grounded, so we are offering resources and groups to read the Bible in a year in 2025! We have designed our very own Bible in a Year journal and have some additional video, audio, and print resource suggestions to help you along the way.
Our FAC Bible in a Year journals will be free and available in the Atrium on Sundays December 15 and 22. Read on your own, or join the Men’s or Women’s Ministry Read the Bible in a Year small groups beginning mid-January.
Contact Heather Smith if you have any questions.
2024 Year-End Giving
If you would like to make a year-end contribution to First Alliance Church, please use the following as guidelines:
- For publicly traded stocks, initiate a transfer request to the firm holding your stocks by Monday, December 2, 2024. Our firm is Baird, the McIntosh Group, 859-514-6417. Contact Lynne Neyland (see below) and let me know your suggested fund distribution.
- For donor-advised funds, initiate a transfer request to the firm holding your funds by Monday, December 2, 2024. The envelope containing the check must be postmarked by December 31, 2024.
- For check by mail, the envelope containing the check must be postmarked by December 31, 2024.
- Electronic check via ACH should be initiated by Thursday, December 26, 2024.
- Online credit card donations must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
Thank you for being resource-generous!
For more information, contact Lynne Neyland at (859) 223-1394 or through our website.
We are excited to offer translation to Spanish, French, and several other languages during our 11:00am and 12:30pm services!
Use your phone to scan the QR code located across from the Welcome Center in the Atrium or at the sound booth in the back of the Sanctuary and follow the prompts. If you forget your headphones, we’ll have some available.
We hope you’ll share this information with any of your friends or neighbors who would be blessed by hearing the service in their heart language.
Questions? Contact Eric Lynch.
Helpful Links
- New? Have a prayer request? Connect with us.
- Check out RightNow Media, a free library of faith-based videos and Bible studies.
- Miss a sermon? Subscribe to our sermon podcast on iOS or Android.
- Listen to your favorite worship songs all week on Spotify.
Main Services
8:15, 9:30, 11:00, and 12:30 — In-person and online
Next Gen Services
8:15am — Birth through 4th grade
9:30am — All ages
11:00am — Birth through 8th grade
12:30pm — No Next Gen services
If you are traveling or feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for easy access to videos of our services.