This Sunday:
When God Invites You to Rest
Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from Genesis 2 as a part of our series When God…
Main Services
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online
Next Gen Services
8:15am – Birth through 4th grade
9:30am – All ages
11:00am – Birth through 4th grade
If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.

I’m Going First
We are grateful to the 200 people who have committed to attend first service each week. We would love to see first service’s attendance double, as many of our visitors, families, and college students attend second and third services. Let us know if you’re willing to Go First!

Willing to Walk
Another way you can serve our visitors, families with children, and those with limited mobility is by parking in our back lot! Pick up a Willing to Walk hanger at Guest Services, hang it on your rearview mirror, and our Parking Team will know to send you to the back lot.

Baptism Sunday
Sunday, November 5
If you have been thinking about getting baptized or are ready to take the next step in following Jesus, let us know by Thursday, October 26.

24 Hour Prayer
This Monday and Tuesday
Sign up for one or two 30-minute time slots from 12:00pm on Monday, October 9 to 12:00pm on Tuesday, October 10 as we join with other churches in Central Kentucky to pray for our city and nation. Pray individually, as a family, or with a small group either here at the church or from home. A prayer guide and journal will be available.
As a church, we value and champion expectant prayer. Join us in this important work!
Membership Class
If you are interested in exploring membership at First Alliance Church, please join us! We will discuss what it means to be a member, how to become a member, and provide background about The Alliance and FAC.
There are two options available:
This Sunday, October 8 and next Sunday, October 15
11:00am, both sessions required
Sunday, October 29
6:30–8:30pm, no childcare provided

Volunteers needed for Russell Cave Reading Program
Our local partner Russell Cave Church of Christ is in need of volunteers to tutor elementary students on Tuesday evenings. Contact Tyrone Vinegar, Pastor of Outreach and Missions, for more information.

This Sunday
Equipping Mind, Body, and Soul
Lower Auditorium Room 12
Daniel Sulfridge will facilitate this week’s discussion on the topic of trauma. Learn more.
Open Word
Family Life Center Room 203–204
This long-standing class is centered around an in-depth study of a book of the Bible. Join us this fall as we study 1 and 2 Peter and 1, 2, and 3 John. Learn more.
Young Marrieds and Growing Families
Dining Room
This class is aimed at helping those in this season of their lives with biblical teaching and community. Learn more.
Deeper Walk
Dining Room
Pursue spiritual maturity and claim the spiritual freedom afforded you in your relationship with Christ. Learn more.
Intergenerational Worship Night
Participate in a family-friendly time of music, prayer, and meditation as we celebrate Holy Communion together.
This Week
Monday at 6:45pm
Join us every week for a time of corporate prayer as we intercede for our church, community, and world. Learn more.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Tuesday at 6:30pm
Explore how it is not possible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature and how knowing God and knowing ourselves cannot be separated. Cost is $40. Learn more.
Tuesday at 6:45pm
Join the Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group in the Prayer Room as we pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.
Men’s Ministry Breakfast
Saturday at 9:00am
Come join the men of FAC for breakfast and stay until around noon to help with a few service projects. Let us know if you plan to attend.
Coming Up
Compass Financial Class
Sunday, October 15 at 11:00am
Learn what it means to be faithful disciples in the area of our finances! This 6-week class is led by Josh Lynch and meets from October 15 through November 26, with no class on October 29. The class will meet in the Youth Room. Learn more.
Men’s Retreat
Friday, October 27 – Sunday, October 29
Join us for a weekend of connecting with God and other men at Laurel Lake Baptist Camp. There will be good food, good conversation, good worship, and good fun. Scholarships are available; we would love for you to be a part of this experience! Learn more.
Next Gen Ministries
High School Fall Retreat
Friday, October 20 – Sunday, October 22
Join us at Laurel Lake Baptist Camp in Corbin, KY for an awesome weekend of food, fun, fellowship, and worship with guest speaker Kendall McKee and guest worship leaders Josiah McKinney and Wes Elliott.

Fall Festival
Wednesday, October 25, 6:00–8:00pm
Join us for tasty food, a chili cookoff, trunk or treat, games, inflatables, face painting, a cakewalk, and more! Activities will be in the parking lot on the left side of the building and in the Gym.
If you would like to participate in the chili cookoff or help in another way, you can sign up here!
Invite a friend…the more the merrier!

FAC Kids Overnight
Friday, November 3 – Saturday, November 4
Hey 1st through 4th graders! It’s time for our annual FAC Kids Overnight! It’s a night of fun, pizza, big games, surprises, and more. Stay all night or leave at 10:00pm if you need to. Cost is $10 per person, which includes dinner, snack, breakfast, an amazing time, and a t-shirt!
Parents, we’d love to have you lead a small group, spend the night, or help us out with other shenanigans we’ve got planned! Please reach out via email.
Helpful Links
- New? Have a prayer request? Connect with us.
- Check out RightNow Media, a free library of faith-based videos and Bible studies.
- Miss a sermon? Subscribe to our sermon podcast on iOS or Android.
- Listen to your favorite worship songs all week on Spotify.