A Christmas Letter From John-Asher Watson

Dear FAC family,

My name is John-Asher Watson. I am 9 years old. Christmas is my favorite holiday! Here are some things I like about Christmas:

  • “Little Drummer Boy” is my favorite song at Christmas! I like upbeat songs and that is definitely one of them!
  • Ecclesiastes 3:1-10 is my favorite verse because when I gave my life to Jesus He gave me that verse! It says that everything on earth has its special season. Christmas is a very special season!
  • My favorite tradition is a Christmas movie night with friends! This is usually the first time I have hot cocoa! We also eat popcorn and have a lot of fun.
  • I also LOVE wrapping and giving gifts! It feels so good to give.

I think this Christmas will be extra special for me because I gave my life to Jesus on September 23rd.

Merry Christmas!

John-Asher Watson

4th grader