FAC Family,
Over the last 16 months, we have been on a search for a new Pastor of High School Ministry. I know that this search has been long and challenging.
For those who are newer to FAC or want a quick refresher: Dan McPherson, our Pastor of High School, served faithfully in that role for many years, and in early 2023 he was feeling a nudge towards adult ministries and groups. Dan is a gifted preacher and leader, and I agreed that this shift in ministry would be a good fit for him. We also had a need in that area. The decision was made, and we announced to you last March that he would be moving over with a dominant focus on adult groups at FAC and oversee the interim youth leadership. We posted the High School Pastor job, and we trusted God’s provision.
As not just the Lead Pastor, but also a parent of a high school student, I share the same conviction with high school parents that this important ministry be headed by someone who has the “ministry muscle” to lead well. This means they would be solid theologically, well versed in modern issues, relationally gifted with both teens and parents, a leader of small group leaders, and able to thrive in a staff and church size such as ours.
Finding candidates with this combination of skills and qualifications is exceptionally difficult. Even with the engagement of a national search firm, reaching out within our denomination and other well respected groups, we only had 3 candidates over the course of the 16 months that made it past an initial interview process.
A few months ago, after more than a year of looking and things coming up dry, I started to sense that this may turn out very differently than we expected. I was asking God for wisdom and just trying to be open to what He had. And as it turns out, Dan has been on sabbatical, and he was also processing and seeking God for his ministry future. In the end, without talking to each other at all, we were sensing the same thing.
Thus, I am writing today to let you know that we have concluded our search. And the High School Pastor we have chosen is Dan McPherson!
I want to make clear that this is not a “settling” by me, our Leadership Board, or Dan. We all share the belief that youth ministry is a high calling, and that Dan is ready to take FAC high school ministry to a next level in his return. In total transparency, we wish it wouldn’t have taken 16 months, a search firm, and lots of interview time…. But in the end, it solidifies for us that we have a phenomenal High School Pastor, and for Dan that he really loves and thrives in High School Ministry.
This Sunday, August 4, in all three services, Dan and I will share a little more about what was happening in our hearts and minds in recent months that led to a solid yes from both of us to this decision. Please come to hear about it. High School parents will get more info in coming days from Dan with future ministry plans.
In regards to Group Life leadership, for this interim time, Doug Matthews, our Executive Pastor of Ministry Development, will oversee these areas and run point. This oversight includes Adult Education, Life Group leaders, and Men’s ministry work. We are prayerfully considering how to approach this for the long term. Dan will complete his sabbatical and return to high school ministry on September 3.
We continue to trust God with every step of the journey at FAC. The best is yet to come!