Connector for July 28

This Sunday:
Why Do We Give?

Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from 2 Corinthians 8:7.

Main Services
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online

Next Gen Services
8:15am – Birth through 4th grade
9:30am – All ages
11:00am – Birth through 4th grade

If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for easy access to videos of our services.

Consecration Service

Sunday, August 4, 12:30pm

Please join us on Sunday, August 4 at 12:30pm in the Sanctuary as we hold a special service of consecration and dedication for our 12:30 service time that officially begins on Sunday, August 11. The service will last about 40 minutes as we take time to pray, sing, hear Scripture, and seek God’s presence together.

I’m Going Last!

This past January through May, our average Sunday morning attendance was 1,700! That’s up 400 people from the previous year.

As we continue to steward and maximize the capacity of our building and parking lot, we are adding a fourth service at 12:30pm every Sunday beginning August 11!

Would you prayerfully consider Going Last? We need a few hundred people to commit to Going Last and move to our new 12:30 service time so that we can welcome as many as possible to worship Jesus with us this August.

Please note that Nursery, Preschool, and Children’s Ministry will not be available during the 12:30 service. However, the nursing mom’s room with livestream feed will be available for use!

I’m Going First!

We are so grateful for the 200 people who have committed to attending first service at 8:15am each week! We would love to see attendance at this service double over the next year to help make room for visitors, families, and college students who attend our second and third services.

Nursery, Preschool, and Children’s Ministry through fourth grade meet during the 8:15 service!

Volunteers for 12:30 Service

As we get ready to launch our 12:30 service, we need your help. We have many open positions on the Guest Services Team, Parking Team, Prayer Team, and more! If you are interested in serving once a month, please follow the link below to fill out our form, and we will be in touch.


Thursdays, 6:30pm

Starting August 15

GriefShare is a safe, welcoming place where you’ll find relief and comfort as you learn what to expect in the days ahead and how to navigate your personal grief process. Sign up on the GriefShare website.

Join the ESL Teaching Team

Pastor Tyrone is building a team that will help explore what it means for FAC to offer Jesus through ESL classes in our community. To learn more or express interest, sign up now!

This Sunday


Open Word

Family Life Center Room 203–204

This long-standing class is centered around an in-depth study of a book of the Bible. Learn more.

Young Marrieds and Growing Families

Dining Room

This class is aimed at helping those in this season of their lives with biblical teaching and community. Learn more.


Deeper Walk

Dining Room

Pursue spiritual maturity and claim the spiritual freedom afforded you in your relationship with Christ. Learn more.


Boomers and Beyond Annual Picnic

Shillito Park, Shelter #2

Boomers and Beyond will meet at Shillito Park, Shelter #2 to enjoy a meal of fried chicken. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share and a lawn chair if you have one! Jessica Freeburne, Coordinator of Congregational Care, will be our guest speaker.


Membership Class

Dining Room

If you are interested in exploring membership at First Alliance Church, please join us! We will discuss what it means to be a member, how to become a member, and provide background about The Alliance and FAC.

This Week


Monday, 6:45pm

This powerful gathering happens every week! Meet us in the Sanctuary for a time of corporate prayer as we intercede for our church, community, and world. Learn more.

Men’s Mid(ish) Week

Thursday, 6:30am

Come hear a short devotional while we eat breakfast together in the Dining Room. We’ll finish our time with prayer before we head out into the rest of the day on mission.

Young Professionals

Thursday, 7:00pm

The Young Professionals group meets weekly on Thursdays in homegroups throughout the area to share a meal and dive deeper into what it looks like to follow Jesus. Sign up now.

Coming Up

Summer Worship Night

Thursday, August 8, 7:00pm

Enjoy worship, prayer, and un-rushed time in God’s presence at our final worship night of the summer.

Next Gen Ministries

High School Summer Schedule

FAC Youth will meet every Wednesday throughout the summer! Stay up-to-date on times, locations, and activities by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on Instagram, or texting @facparents to 81010.

FAC Kids – Birth through 4th Grade
Instagram | Facebook

Sundays at 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am

Middle School – 5th through 8th Grade
Instagram | Spotify | Text @midupdate to 81010

Sundays at 9:30am
Wednesdays – off for summer break

High School – 9th through 12th Grade
Newsletter | Instagram | Text @facparents to 81010

Sundays at 9:30am
Wednesdays – summer schedule

By the Numbers

It is with great joy that we share that we met 99.4% of our 2023–2024 fiscal year budget that closed June 30! This budget was a faith-filled and significant increase over the previous year. We invite you to join us in prayer and generosity as we look ahead to this year’s budget, which is another faith-filled step. Again and again we see that God is so faithful and His people are so generous; thank you for fueling His kingdom work!

June 2024

Attendance (weekly Sunday average)

In person1,2485 weeks
Online3925 weeks


General Fund$229.5k115.9% of monthly budget
Alliance Missions$24.8k

Fiscal Year (July 2023-June 2024)


General Fund$2,459.6k99.4% of YTD budget
Alliance Missions$158.5k

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