This Sunday is Global Impact Sunday!

Every year we take the second Sunday of November to look at what God is doing around the world. This year, as a part of the C&MA family, we’re focusing on Going to the Hard Places in Lexington and the World.

This Sunday morning, our Pastor of Outreach and Missions Tyrone Vinegar will be sharing how we can reach the world as we minister here in Lexington. We will also hear from some of our own who are living on mission in our community as they prepare to go overseas.

Join us for dinner this Sunday night from 6:00 to 8:00pm as we hear from our Cross-cultural Partners via video about what they are doing and how we can be praying for them. Phil James of Trans World Radio and Ron Brown of Perspectives USA will also be sharing with us in person. Registration closes tomorrow!

This is a family-friendly event. There will be special videos from the kids of our international workers and a special time of prayer geared specifically for kids!