Connector for November 19

This Sunday:
A Vision of Hope

Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from Ezekiel 37:1–4 and Luke 5:36–39.

It’s Here, There, and Everywhere Offering Sunday!

We will place this offering in the baskets at the front of the Sanctuary during our services this Sunday. Tithes and offerings for the Core Ministries General Fund should be placed in the giving boxes at the rear of the Sanctuary.

Here: Preparing for the Future Fund
Setting a financial foundation as we discern next steps

There: Project ReImagine
Our National Office’s facility relocation to Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Everywhere: C&MA Great Commission Fund
Supporting International Workers all over the world

Main Services
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online

Next Gen Services
8:15am – Birth through 4th grade
9:30am – All ages
11:00am – Birth through 4th grade

If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.


This Sunday at 12:15pm

If you’re new to First Alliance, we hope you’ll join us. Enjoy lunch, meet our staff, and learn more about the heart of our church! Childcare will be provided.

This Sunday


Open Word

Family Life Center Room 203–204

This long-standing class is centered around an in-depth study of a book of the Bible. Join us this fall as we study 1 and 2 Peter and 1, 2, and 3 John. Learn more.

Young Marrieds and Growing Families

Dining Room

This class is aimed at helping those in this season of their lives with biblical teaching and community. Learn more.


Compass Financial Class

Youth Room

Learn what it means to be faithful disciples in the area of our finances! This 6-week class is led by Josh Lynch and meets through November 26. Learn more.

Deeper Walk

Dining Room

Pursue spiritual maturity and claim the spiritual freedom afforded you in your relationship with Christ. Learn more.


Boomers and Beyond Gathering

Lower Auditorium

Celebrate Thanksgiving with us! Turkey, mashed potatoes, and drinks will be supplied. Bring your favorite side dishes and desserts to add to the feast. Heather Smith will be sharing her story of life and faith.

This Week


Monday at 6:45pm

Join us every week for a time of corporate prayer as we intercede for our church, community, and world. Learn more.

Coming Up

BEHOLD: Women’s Christmas Event

Tuesday, December 5, at 6:30pm

Come enjoy singing Christmas carols, eating heavy hors d’oeuvres, and hearing from some of our own women. Register now.

Next Gen Ministries

Frosting Fest

Saturday, December 9

Breakfast at 8:30am

Event at 9:00am

FAC Kids is back with another deliciously fun Christmas experience! Join us for this fun, interactive way for the whole church to celebrate Christmas together. We’ll play games, sing some songs, tell the Christmas story together, and finish our time in the Gym decorating sets of Nativity cookies, one for your family and one to give away.

To make the morning even sweeter, you and your family can join us at 8:30am for a family breakfast hosted by our Men’s Ministry Service Team! This event can be enjoyed by everyone at FAC, from our littlest members to those 99-year-old kids-at-heart. Registration closes Sunday, December 3!

FAC Kids – Birth through 4th Grade
Instagram | Facebook

Sundays at 8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am

Middle School – 5th through 8th Grade
Instagram | Spotify | Text @midupdate to 81010

Sundays at 9:30am
Wednesdays at 6:30pm

High School – 9th through 12th Grade
Newsletter | Instagram | Text @facparents to 81010

Sundays at 9:30am
Wednesdays at 6:30pm

By the Numbers

October 2023

Attendance (weekly Sunday average)

In person1,5005 weeks
Online4225 weeks


General Fund$161.0k89% of monthly budget
Alliance Missions$10.4k

Year-end Stock Donations

If you would like to make a year-end stock donation to the church, please do so by Monday, December 4 to allow time for processing. Thank you for being resource-generous!

Helpful Links