Connector for June 26

The Church at Rome: Characteristics of a Church that Lives on Mission

Join us as our Pastor of Outreach and Missions Tyrone Vinegar brings a message from Romans 1:16–17 as a part of our series A Stained Beauty. Listen to previous messages in the series.

Our current series is based on A Stained Beauty by John Stumbo, President of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.

Main Services
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online
8:15am service resumes July 31

Next Gen Services
9:30am – In-person, all ages
11:00am – In-person, birth through 4th grade

If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.

☀️ No 8:15am service! ☀️

  • 9:30 and 11am services will continue to meet in person and online.
  • We will return to 3 services on July 31.


Sunday, June 26 at 12:15pm

If you’re new to First Alliance, we hope you’ll join us for Launch in the Lower Auditorium. Enjoy lunch, meet our staff, and learn more about the heart of our church! Childcare will be provided.

Baptism Sunday

Sunday, July 24

If you have been thinking about getting baptized or are ready to take the next step in following Jesus, let us know by Thursday, July 14!

Membership Class

Sunday, July 24 at 6:30pm

If you are interested in exploring membership at FAC, please join us! We will discuss what it means to be a member, how to become a member, and provide background about The Alliance and FAC.

Upcoming Events

Boomers Monthly Gathering

Sunday, June 26 at 6pm

Join us in the Lower Auditorium as we hear from Ron and Joan Gifford. Bring a snack to share!


Every Monday at 6:45pm

Join us for a time of corporate prayer as we intercede for our church, community, and world. Learn more.


Tuesday, June 28 at 6:45pm

Join the Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group in the Sanctuary as we pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.

Women’s Summer Celebration

Friday, July 15 at 7pm

Join the women of FAC at Jeff and Barb Stryker’s farm for a summer celebration with prayer, worship, games, snacks, and fellowship. Learn more and register now!

By the Numbers

May 2022

Attendance (weekly Sunday average)

In person1,0035 weeks
Online2774 weeks (data reporting issue)


General Fund$149.0k103% of monthly budget
Alliance Missions$27.7k

Helpful Links