This Sunday:
The Church at Galatia
Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from Galatians 5 as a part of our series A Stained Beauty.
Our current series is based on A Stained Beauty by John Stumbo, President of the Christian & Missionary Alliance. We have a limited number of copies available for a cash or check donation; proceeds go towards sending our high schoolers to LIFE Conference this summer. You can also purchase the book online.
Main Services
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online
Next Gen Services
9:30am – In-person, all ages
11:00am – In-person, birth through 4th grade
If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.

Sunday, June 12 to Thursday, June 16
Vacation Bible eXperience is headed to the beach this summer. Register now – there are only a few spots remaining! If you’re able to volunteer, contact Hannah Meredith.

Women’s Ministry Summer Bible Study
Weeks of June 12 to July 24
This summer we will be studying Esther, the Fingerprints of God. The book of Esther is unique compared to the other books of the Bible because it never mentions the name of God. It is marvelously woven with one thread holding it together: sovereignty.
Together we will embark on a journey through the book of Esther, uncovering the fingerprints of God that are layered throughout the text. Ultimately, our goal is to be reminded that even when you can’t see God at work in your present circumstances, you can know that He is with you.
Registration is open now through Sunday, May 22. Small groups meet at various times throughout the week, with both in-person and online options available. Participants purchase their $20 workbook at registration. Find out more and register now!

Affinity Groups are back for the summer!
What do you love to do? Maybe it’s golf, hiking, reading, or cooking. Whatever activity it is, we would love for you to form a group around it. Sign up below! Deadline is Sunday, May 15.

Upcoming Events
Every Monday at 6:45pm
Join us in the Sanctuary for a time of corporate prayer as we intercede for our church, community, and world. Learn more.
Friday, May 13 at 9:30am
Once a month, join with other moms for fellowship, food, and free childcare! Learn more and sign up now.
Boomers Monthly Gathering
Sunday, May 22 at 6pm
Join us in the Lower Auditorium as we hear from Bill and Geneva Richardson about their time at a missionary church in Indiana. Bring snacks and finger food to share!
The Nominating Committee welcomes nominations for the Leadership Board and next year’s Nominating Committee. Active members may nominate other active members by contacting Deb MacKay. The deadline is Friday, May 13.