Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith begins a new sermon series with a message from Matthew 4:1–11.
Main Services
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online
Next Gen Services
9:30am – In-person, all ages
11:00am – In-person, birth through 4th grade
Attending any large gathering puts you at risk of exposure to Covid-19. If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online.
The Open Word class will be held in the Gym this Sunday.

Save the Date
Our next Men’s Ministry conference will be Friday, April 22 and Saturday, April 23!

Boomers and Beyond Gathering
Sunday, March 27 at 6pm in the Dining Room
Come hear from Tim and Diane Vetters about growing vegetables and Betty Sufana about what flowers to grow for the birds in your garden. Bring some finger food to share!

Opportunities for Prayer
Monday, March 21 at 6:45pm in the Sanctuary
We’ll be holding prayer nights weekly through the end of April! Learn more here.
Tuesday, March 22 at 6:45pm in the Sanctuary
Join the Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group as we pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.
Project Reimagine
If you would like to donate to the C&MA’s Project Reimagine, please write Project Reimagine on the memo line of your check or donate online.