This Sunday: Simeon and Anna
Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from Luke 2:21–38 as a part of our series Humans of Christmas.
Main Services
8:15, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online
Next Gen Services
9:30am – In-person, all ages
11:00am – In-person, birth through 4th grade
Please be aware that attending any large gathering puts you at risk of exposure to COVID-19. If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online. We appreciate your help as we work to keep everyone safe and healthy!
Christmas Service Schedule
Thursday, December 23 at 7pm
Friday, December 24 at 3 and 4:30pm
Join us for our annual Christmas Candlelight Services either in person or online.
Sunday, December 26
No in-person services. Livestreamed services will be at our normal service times, or you can watch anytime on our website.
Sunday, January 2
9:30 and 11am services only, both in person and online. Next Gen ministries will meet as usual.
Check out our full Christmas page!
Meals and gifts for our local partners should be dropped off no later than this Sunday.
Secret Sisters Christmas Event
Sunday, December 12 at 1pm
Even if you missed out on picking a secret sister, you can still join in on their quarterly events! Learn more and sign up here.
Classic Christmas Celebration
Sunday, December 12 at 6pm
All are welcome to join us in the Sanctuary for a time of celebration and song, featuring performances by people of all ages.
Boomers and Beyond Lunch Bunch
Tuesday, December 14 at 11:30am
Join us at Saul Good on Fayette Plaza (behind the mall). RSVP to Sharon Winkle.
Tuesday, December 14 at 6:45pm
The Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group will meet this coming Tuesday at 6:45pm in the Sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.
Year-End Contributions
If you would like to make a year-end contribution, please note the following:
- In-person contributions should be placed in our offering boxes by December 24.
- Mailed contributions should be postmarked no later than December 31.
- Online contributions should be submitted by December 31.
- The Here, There, and Everywhere fund will be open through the end of the year should you wish to contribute to it.
Thank you for all the ways you serve and support our ministries. As it says in 2 Corinthians 9:12 and 15, This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God… Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!