This Sunday: How Do I Walk in Love?
Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from 1 John 4:7-14 as a part of our series Light Applied to Life.
Main Services
8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online
Our 8:00am service will move to 8:15am starting Sunday, October 10.
Next Gen Services
9:30am – In-person, all ages
11:00am – In-person, birth through 4th grade
Please be aware that attending any large gathering puts you at risk of exposure to COVID-19. If you or a family member are feeling unwell over the weekend, please worship with us online. We appreciate your help as we work to keep everyone safe and healthy!
Our next Baptism Sunday is coming up on October 24. If you have been thinking about getting baptized or are ready to take the next step in following Jesus, let us know!
This Sunday at 12:15pm
If you’re new to our church, then Launch is the event for you. Join us for lunch, meet our staff, and learn more about the heart of our church. Childcare will be provided.
Women’s Ministries Fall Social Hour
This Sunday from 3 to 5pm
Join us in the Atrium as we socialize and enjoy dessert.
Boomers and Beyond Gathering
This Sunday at 6pm
Join us Sunday evening in the Lower Auditorium as we hear from Shalomel Jatau about the various issues going on in Nigeria. Bring a snack to share!
Men’s Ministry Ephesians Bible Study
Starting this Monday at 8pm
Join us as we work through the book of Ephesians together. There is no curriculum, just bring your Bibles and your insights into God’s Word.
Opportunities for Prayer
GPOPs: The Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group will meet this coming Tuesday at 6:45pm in the Sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.
Vertical: Our next prayer night will be Monday, October 4 at 6:45pm in the Sanctuary. Learn more here.
Pause: Taking Time for the Two of Us
Wednesdays from 6:35 to 7:45pm, October 6-20
Are you a parent of a middle or high schooler? Join us for this three week event that will seek to encourage and strengthen your marriages through interactive teaching and round-table conversations. Topics will include handling conflict biblically, strengthening your prayer life together, and finishing well.
FAC Kids Overnight
Friday, October 22 and Saturday, October 23
Join us for a night of fun, pizza, big games, and surprises!
The Living OUT Fall Challenge
Final week
This is the last Sunday to bring supplies for our local partners to the OUT table in the Atrium.
FAC Kids (1st-4th grade) – Tissues
Middle School (5th-8th grade) – Disinfecting wipes
FAC Youth (9th-12th grade) – Hand sanitizer
Adults – New women’s socks and underwear
Helpful Links
- We would love to pray for you. Submit your requests online.
- Connect with us! Let us know you came, sign up for our newsletters, or contact the church office.
- Download the Church Center app (iOS/Android) for easy access to small groups, event registrations, and giving.
- Check out RightNow Media, a huge library of faith-based videos and Bible studies, available to you for free.
- Enjoy the music you hear on Sunday on our Spotify playlists: This Week, Upcoming, and Our Anthems.