Connector for June 6

This Sunday: Does Faith Really Work?

Join us as Dr. Kevin Brown, President of Asbury University, brings a message from Luke 9:1-6 as a part of our series Asking for a Friend.

Check out all our summer sermon series topics here.

Main Services
8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online

Next Gen Services
9:30am – In-person, all ages
11:00am – In-person, birth through 4th grade

COVID Safety: You are encouraged to wear a mask while in our building. Please worship from home if you are feeling unwell or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19.

Annual Meeting

We look forward to celebrating all that God has done in the last year at our Annual Business Meeting Celebration on June 13! The annual report, treasurer’s report, and slate of officers are now available on our website.

If you have any questions about these materials, please join us for a dialogue session this Sunday at 6pm in the Lower Auditorium.

Breaking Through to Spiritual Maturity

Pursue spiritual maturity and claim the spiritual freedom afforded to you in your relationship with Christ in this returning class. Join us Sunday mornings at 11am starting June 13. Sign up now.

Affinity Groups

Join a group this summer that shares one of your interests or hobbies and get together once or twice a month. Sign up now!

Next Gen Summer Schedules

YoungLives Informational Meeting

Join us on June 26 at 10am to hear from our new partner YoungLives about how you can support them and get involved in sharing the love of Jesus to teen parents in our city.

Opportunities for Prayer

GPOPs: The Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group will meet this coming Tuesday at 6:45pm in the Sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.

Lost and Found

Lost items from around the building have been gathered underneath the staircase in the Lower Atrium. If you’re missing something, please check there by Sunday, June 20! Items left after that date will be donated to charity.