Connector for May 23

This Sunday: Can We Really Trust the Bible?

Join us as our Lead Pastor Paul Smith brings a message from 2 Peter 1:20-21 as a part of our new series Asking for a Friend.

Check out all our summer sermon series topics here.

We will be sharing in communion during services this Sunday. If you watch our livestream, we hope you’ll gather the elements and join us from home.

Main Services
8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am – In-person and online

Next Gen Services
9:30am – In-person, all ages
11:00am – In-person, birth through 4th grade

COVID Safety: You are encouraged to wear a mask while in our building. Please worship from home if you are feeling unwell or have been exposed to someone who has COVID-19.

Next Sunday, May 30 is Worship Together Sunday! There will be no Next Gen services.

Paid In Full

Paid In Full is our special offering to help pay off our mortgage and ensure the integrity of our building for many years to come. Learn more here.

We look forward to celebrating all that God has done in the last year at our Annual Business Meeting Celebration on June 13! Check out all the details.

Women’s Ministries Summer Bible Study

Over the course of eight weeks, learn to study the book of Galatians one verse at a time—just you, your Bible, and your journal digging into God’s word in community with other women.

Small groups will meet at various times throughout the week starting June 6 with the option of flex (in person) or virtual.

Register now!

Membership Class

If you’re interested in exploring membership here at FAC, join us Sunday, May 23 at 6:30pm to learn more. Sign up now – both in-person and online options available.

Boomers Gathering

Join us on May 23 at 6pm in the Gym as we hear from Dr. Katie McKinney on “What Do We Do After the Pandemic?”

We need volunteers

  • 3 Infant Room volunteers during the 9:30 service
  • 1 Infant Room volunteer during the 11:00 service
  • 6 Toddler Room volunteers during the 11:00 service

Contact Hannah Meredith to sign up!

Opportunities for Prayer

GPOPs: The Grandparents and Parents of Prodigals prayer group will meet this coming Tuesday at 6:45pm in the Sanctuary. Join us as we pray for our children and grandchildren to come to know and love Jesus.

Helpful Links