This Week’s Connector


Welcome Home Service Times

Join us for one of our in person services this Sunday, July 19th, at 8:30, 10:00, or 11:30! Click here to register for one of our in-person services. If you haven’t seen it, make sure you check out our Welcome Home video to see what to expect when you return!

Please note that masks will be required at our 8:30 service, and they will be highly encouraged and recommended at our 10:00 and 11:30 services. To hear more about this from Pastor Paul, click here.

We will be joining together for worship with those at home by livestreaming all our services on You can visit our website and click on the button, or you can type into your browser and go!

If you aren’t able to watch a service live, visit the Weekly Services section of our website to watch anytime.

Serve with Next Gen Ministries

We are so excited to reopen our Next Gen (birth through high school) spaces on August 16th!

While we need volunteers in ALL age groups, our biggest needs are for preschool teachers and middle school small group leaders. Please take some time to prayerfully consider serving with the kids and students of FAC. Whether teaching preschoolers gets you excited or discipling high school boys is more your speed, we need you!

Let us know if you are interested in serving with us or would like more information! You can also connect with one of our Next Gen pastors after service on a Sunday morning!

Cleaning Team Needs

We are grateful for the many people who have joined our teams in helping to reopen and regather. We are in need of more people to serve on our cleaning teams! If you would be willing to join the team on Sunday mornings during and after services go to our website and let us know! We will be in touch with you to find the Sundays and service time that works best for you!

Sound and Computer Help Needed

If you are interested in serving on our Sunday morning tech team, we would love to have you! We are in need of volunteers to serve on the sound team and the computer team running the slides for Sunday morning worship. If you are skilled in either of these areas (or are willing to learn!) contact Pastor Zeke.

Church Center App

Make sure you download the Church Center app on your phone for easy access to registrations, events, and giving. Go here to download the app for your iPhone or here for your Android device. Once you’ve downloaded it, just open it up and search for First Alliance Church. Taking the time to download this app will save you a lot of time in the future!


Women’s Ministry – A Night of Worship and Celebration

All women are invited to a celebration night of worship and praise on August 1st from 7:00-8:30pm outside at the Stryker’s. Our plan for the evening includes worship led by Rachael Hilliard and Hope McPherson with an opportunity for all participants to verbally share stories of praise to God. (Please bring your own mask, lawn chair, and water to drink.)

Registration will be limited to the first 50 people, so please reserve your spot now!

Register for Services

Thank you for continuing to register for our Sunday services in this unique season! Registration will open every Sunday for the upcoming Sunday on our website.


We have praise packs available on Sunday mornings for kids who are attending in-person services to help them stay engaged. Be sure to grab them on your way into the sanctuary!

We also have a playlist of our Sunday worship songs available on Spotify so you can teach your kids the songs in advance!

Keep up with FAC Kids, Middle School Ministry, and FAC Youth on our website and on Sunday afternoons on! We want to support you in helping your kids stay connected during this season.