Happy Friday, FAC family!
There are several important things we want to make sure you are aware of as we head into this weekend! Please take a few minutes to read the sections that pertain to you.
Re-opening the building!
As you know, Governor Beshear has stated that churches can begin reopening as of Wednesday, May 20, in limited capacity. Yesterday, Pastor Paul and Pastor T released a video explaining some of the information we are needing to do this well. Please be sure you watch that video and then take the survey to help us with our planning. We very much look forward to the day we can resume in-person services, and we will keep you posted as soon as we have a firm date and a firm plan. We covet your prayers as we navigate this very complicated situation and for our church to stay unified in what can easily become a tense time.
Sunday Service and Virtual Atrium
Our weekly on-line worship service will be posted to Facebook and our website on Sunday morning at 10:45am. Tune in to worship with your FAC family all over the Lexington area! Immediately following our morning service Maria Darby and Jessica Freeburne will co-lead our “Virtual Atrium” time of prayer, praise and connection. (If you do not have a Facebook account, here are instructions on how to create one. And as always, if you don’t want to have a Facebook account but would like to see these events, they are posted to our website for replay within a half hour of their conclusion.)
Evangelism 101 Class!
As a staff we have heard so many of you say that this season has opened up conversations with your neighbors like never before… But it is hard to make that jump from introductory conversation to intentional gospel conversation. We hope that this class will equip you to do that! Pastor Zach will be leading this virtual class via Zoom for 6 weeks starting on June 14. Go here to get signed up for this virtual class.
Hey Moms and Dads of FACKids, Middle School and FAC Youth!
We know that you are inundated with emails if you are managing the kids’ schoolwork plus life in this stay at home season. To make accessing all the GREAT content FAC is releasing for kids of all ages SUPER easy, we have put it all in ONE place. Click here and it is all right there! We want to support you in helping your kids stay connected to their FAC family and God in this season.
FAC Annual Business Meeting Celebration!
Our Annual Business Meeting Celebration will happen this year on Sunday, June 7, at 6pm. It will be held virtually due to the continued large group gathering restrictions. (Our membership exceeds the number of people permitted in our sanctuary at this time.) The meeting will be pre-recorded and look much like our current Sunday on-line services. All usual components of our annual meetings will be included. We are already hard at work producing it!
To make tracking items and communication as straightforward as possible, a temporary new page has been added to our website for the Annual Meeting. Check it out here! Everything you will need to be prepared for and participate in our annual meeting will be placed on this page. We will guide you each step of the way to be sure that all business is conducted well.
The Nominating Committee is working to put together our slate of officers for this year and that slate will be released on May 24. The Nominating Committee welcomes nominations from the congregation for Leadership Board and Nominating Committee positions. Any active member of First Alliance may nominate any other active member by completing a Nomination Form no later than May 22. Contact Deb MacKay for more information.
The annual report will be added to the webpage on May 24. We look forward to you reading all about what GOD has done in and through our FAC family in the last year!