Dear FAC family,
We look forward to worshiping with you Sunday! Our service will be on-line again this week.
The service will be on our website Sunday morning at 10:45! Click the main banner on the home page where it says “Click here to view the weekend services and latest update” and it will take you right there!
The service will also be placed on our social media sites at 10:45! We have pre-recorded the service so everyone can watch it together even if they don’t have a social media account.
This weekend’s service features worship, an encouraging word for the kids from Pastor Tim, a great sermon, and some updates on how we as a church family are loving our city in practical ways during this difficult time. We pray it encourages every member of our FAC family!
Please continue to check in on our website every day for updates. The daily connect video and any updates are posted there. Be sure you are also following the social media platforms of FAC Kids, Middle School and High school as they have great content there everyday!
We love you, and we are in this with you!