Monday, March 16, 2020

Dear First Alliance Family,

This last week you have heard two themes from us. First: God is faithful and in control! Second: We are taking things moment by moment. Both remain true!

Thank you to all who joined us for worship on-line yesterday via Facebook and Instagram live or later via our website podcast! If you haven’t seen yesterday’s service yet and would like to, you can watch it at We are thankful we were able to harness technology to serve God and others Sunday. At this time, our service has received almost 3,000 views and we are aware of MANY who are usually unchurched who chose to tune in! We are going to have some great God-stories on the other side of this!

We have an update for you. In order to honor our governmental officials, love our neighbors who are at risk or working on the front lines in the medical field, we need to suspend meeting together for the time being. All student ministries are cancelled for the time being. All other ministries that meet in our building are cancelled as well.

Our weekend services for this Sunday, and likely some Sundays following, are going to be held on-line only.

We understand if this makes you sad and frustrated. We don’t enjoy this either! We miss you already!

We have a couple things that we are working on as a staff to keep us connected as the FAC family during this time:

  1. We will continue to provide a virtual weekly worship service on Sundays for you! We will give you specific information on this as the weekend nears. Know that we are working on several platforms for distribution so everyone in our FAC family can take part.
  2. We are going to release a daily message to you all Monday through Friday! This message will also come out on various platforms with the hope it reaches every FAC family member! It will contain encouragement from God’s Word, a prayer prompt for that day that we will ALL be unified around, and an “OUT” suggestion for you to do from your homes. We will also pass on any needed updates via this video message. We hope these daily touchpoints will help us all stay connected in a season where it is easy to feel isolated!
  3. Our student ministries will also be releasing great content for our students and you as families on their social media on Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays!

Finally, we are actively contacting via phone those in our church family that may not have access to on-line platforms or that may be more isolated for one reason or another during this time. Feel free to do the same and BE the church! If you come across someone not receiving church communications or a very difficult situation we need to be aware of, you may contact us by emailing

At this time the office remains open (in person to staff only) with most of us working on site using social distancing and with others working from home and videoconferencing. You can feel free to email or call us or send us cards and notes! We appreciate your continued interaction with us!

Please be committed to checking our website under the coronavirus tab, our Facebook or Instagram pages, and your email daily during this time as these will be our main means of communication with you.

We love you, FAC family! Let’s stay unified in prayer, love our neighbors, and each do our part to stay connected!

The FAC Staff