Friday, March 13, 2020

Dear First Alliance family,

On Wednesday, our staff released a letter to you about our response to the coronavirus. It was the best we could do with the information we had at that time. As we said we want to lead and serve well during this season. Thank you for your continued grace towards us.

That said, since that time, we have had to change course. Here is the plan!

  • We will not be meeting in person this weekend.
  • Instead, our staff will be live-streaming one service with worship, prayer, and the sermon at 10:45am on Facebook and Instagram Live. You may want to gather with some FAC friends or members of your Life Group and watch at home together! Do what is best for you.
  • Additionally, the entire service (audio only version) will be posted to our church website around 2pm Sunday.

We have some very practical ideas on how we can tangibly love our neighbors through this time, and we will be sharing those with you as well during Sunday’s on-line service.

We have been keeping our ears open in real time to those on the front lines of the medical community here in Lexington. This morning, we received word that based on information they have, it would be in the best interest of our FAC family to not meet in person Sunday. That was the tipping point for our decision to cancel in-person services this Sunday.

We will continue to communicate with you in the days ahead.

In closing, I know you have likely heard this a lot this week, but don’t let it lose its power: God has not given us a spirit of fear. He has given us a spirit of power, love and sound judgement. We can bank on this because it says so in His Word in II Timothy 1:7. I am so thankful that in a time that feels very fluid and uncertain for lots of reasons that we serve a never-changing, all-wise, all-powerful God. He remains securely on His throne, and we can trust Him!

We look forward to worshiping with you Sunday via our on-line broadcast!

On the journey with you,

Pastor Paul